Hanh’s chicken pho

"Growing up, my mum has always made chicken pho whenever we had cravings for something warm or if we were sick” - Kerri

There aren’t too many people these days who don’t know about Pho, but for those in the back, it is arguably Vietnam’s most famous dish. It boasts the ever so comforting flavours of Southeast Asia. I’m talking fragrant herbs, lemon, fish sauce, chilli and a clear broth that makes you feel both healthy and reassured. To make a beef Pho, or Pho Bo, it is usually a two-day process which even on a good day seems a little laborious. But this recipe, with succulent mouth-watering chicken, is so much easier and somehow packs just as much flavour, if not more.

If you haven’t attempted to make a Vietnamese soup, you absolutely must give it a go. You mustn’t be intimidated by it. It’s not scary and I promise you, you will be making it time and time again.

This recipe belongs to Hanh. When I approached Kerri & Darren about possibly showcasing a family recipe, I secretly hoped they would give me a Pho recipe for I knew it would definitely be a favourite in their family. The beautiful Kerri has written a few words about her Mum’s recipe.

Words from Kerri

Pho is the first dish that comes to mind when you think of Vietnamese cuisine and definitely my favourite too! Growing up, my mum has always made chicken pho whenever we had cravings for something warm or if we were sick and needed a pick me up. Beef pho is generally more well known, but the chicken version is just as delicious and easier to make (says my mum!)

Hanh’s Chicken Pho


  • 1 whole chicken

  • 1 knob of ginger

  • 1 peeled onion

  • 1 tbsp chicken stock flavour

  • 1 tbsp fish sauce

  • 1 tbsp of salt

  • 100g rock sugar

  • 2 star anise

  • 3 coriander roots

  • 3 shallots

  • Pho noodles

    Basil leaves
    Bean sprouts (raw or cooked optional)
    Hoisin sauce
    Sriracha and fresh chilli


  • Place the chicken in a large pot of water (about 4 L or so). Add salt, rock sugar and chicken stock flavour.

  • As you bring it to the boil, skim off the foam to get a clear broth colour. Add one peeled onion and knob of ginger

  • Keep on medium heat once it comes to a boil and cook for another 30-45 mins

  • Char the ginger, shallots, coriander roots and star anise directly on the stove (this brings out the flavour of the broth!).

  • Scrape off the burnt bits and place them into teabags to add to the broth.

  • Add fish sauce then taste test and add more salt/sugar as needed to suit your taste.

  • Take the chicken out of the pot and cut into smaller pieces to serve.

  • In a medium bowl add pho noodles, chicken and broth. Garnish with bean sprouts, basil leaves and coriander.

  • Don’t forget the chilli, hoisin sauce and sriracha!


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